I did it. I decided. I changed the entire structure of my creative business to one that anyone owning a dance studio would raise an eyebrow to. Anyone that hasn't calculated the sum of when human design meets bold decisions, intuition and a heart for the community. I want you to make your Bold Soul led business decision TODAY.
Nervous....The epic part is that I want you to know that you are not alone. I spent years teaching the conventional way through group classes, Themed club nights and even large workshops across the US. I loved every minute of it. I still find some joy in the opportunities that I choose to accept around group class formats. I’ve made friends, met some of the most amazing clients that still circulate within my life now. Along the way my soul, while still loving all those craved depth over width. This brings you to the present day where I’ve tailored my most beloved programs to work with my clients privately or in small private group formats.
It’s Q4 and for some of us it may feel like now or never when it comes to the decisions we need to make centering around our businesses. The truth is time is arbitrary for those that believe all things are possible. Those of us walking through our day listening closely to the desires of how we want to show up now that the miracles we think can happen in Q4 can easily happen in Q1, 2 or 3. If you are currently making some decisions whether it be business or life focused here are a few things to remember along the way.
Decide & Go!
If you’ve continued to feel it then trust yourself.
Hold space for both
Making both decisions doesn’t have to end a scenario like a bad marriage. We should honor that we can, at the same time love one thing and desire more. And that's okay.
Upgrade your self talk
Try these affirmations on for size.
*I am worthy of success and happiness
*Every decision I make is a step towards my desires
*I trust my intuition and make decisions with confidence
*I give myself permission to take up more space
*I deserve every blessing that comes to me
Being bold in this season can spring us into things we never imagined. Instead of stepping lightly, let's lean in and take it.
Cheers from one girl making bold choices to another.